Steve Wolfe

Partner, CWSP International

Steve Wolfe is an association executive and public policy professional with over 30 years of experience. He is a Partner at CWSP International. He serves as Deputy Executive Director for Global Spaceport Alliance, an international trade group representing operators of spaceports. Steve was Deputy Executive Director of SpaceCom, an annual international commercial space conference he helped establish.

Steve has more than fifteen years of experience as an accredited trade association executive, working for such organization as the IEEE, the National Coffee Association and Rick and Insurance Management Society.

Early in his career Steve served as a legislative aid for space policy to a prominent Member of Congress. During this time, he served as executive director of the Congressional Space Caucus.

Currently, Steve is President and Co-Founder of the Beyond Earth Institute, a policy thinktank focused in long-term space issues. He is on the Board of Directors of the Global Entrepreneurship Network – Space (GEN-Space). He serves as the Space and Board of Editors for the Journal of Space Philosophy.

Steve’s passion and philosophy of space is captured is novel The Obligation: A Journey to Discover Human Purpose on Earth and in the Cosmos.